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关键词:巫文化 清明习俗 巫山地区


ABSTRACT:Witch Cultural is the human society early because lack of awareness of itself and the surrounding natural world and produce a kind of regional culture. Tomb-sweeping day is one of the important folk traditional festival in China, because China's vast territory, around the concrete during the Tomb-sweeping Day custom is different, different customs and wushan region qingming period when produced, more or less affected by the Witch Cultural.

   This paper from the wushan area of Witch Cultural and the perspective of wushan region Tomb-sweeping Day custom, explore its culture influence on wushan region Tomb-sweeping Day custom, to explore how to treat Witch Cultural as the special region culture, different customs and affect the period of Tomb-sweeping Day. Through site visit, the search, the network to collect historical documents, use in combination with the analysis of the technique, obtained the relationship between the two, revealed in the treatment of Witch Cultural, and by the influence of the attitude of the Tomb-sweeping Day customs.

Keywords: Witch Cultural; Tomb-sweeping Day ; Wushan area



