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【摘要】  本课题以师范生书写训练为例,比较颜真卿的《多宝塔》和《勤礼碑》的书写特点。在书写训练中,部分师范生盲目对待书写训练,不能够对这两种字帖里的字进行细心揣摩与思考,观察与比较,并加以区别,对字的笔画、结构、用笔、布局等把握的不够或不准,因此写出的味道就大打折扣,甚至让人觉得怪异。而解决这些问题需要从颜真卿的《多宝塔》和《勤礼碑》书法的形成历史、文化背景入手,仔细并全面地将这两种帖作个比较,深刻了解其书法用笔、结构与风格,再结合一些书写训练的方法和要求,进行全面系统的书写训练,从而形成书写技能。

【关键词】  多宝塔;颜勤礼碑;书写训练;比较


【Abstract 】This paper, taking Normal School Students' writing training as an example, compares the writing Features between "Multi-pagoda" and "Yan Qin Li Monument" of Yan Zhenqing. Part of normal students cannot think carefully and figure out Character's features of this two copybooks for calligraphy by observing and comparing. They treat the writing training blindly and cannot grasp the stroke, structure, pen and layout thoroughly and correctly as a result of weird and bad taste of writing. To solve these problems, it is necessary to compare the two copybooks for calligraphy carefully and thoroughly to have a deep understanding about the pen, structure and style of calligraphy, by starting from the history and cultural background of forming "Multi-pagoda" and "Yan Qin Li Monument" calligraphies, and do a comprehensive writing training with some methods and requirements to form writing skills. 

【Keywords】 "Multi-pagoda", "Yan Qin Li Monument" , Writing Training, Compare