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摘要:路遥是一位平民作家,他对底层劳动人民的热切关注和对苦难的诗意描绘达到了一个时代的文学高度。路遥又是一位对苦难有着刻骨铭心体验的作家,苦难作为一种精神气质涵盖了路遥的大部分作品。全文从三个部分论述了路遥小说中的苦难意识。第一部分从贫穷饥饿、精神创伤等方面论述苦难形态的文本呈现对苦难价值的追寻则分析与揭示出路遥对苦难的独特思考。第二部分为苦难意识的生成,从地域文化、个人生活经历的影响与中外作家的熏染等方面分析路遥小说中苦难意识的产生渊源。第三部分, 对苦难价值的追寻则分析与揭示出路遥对苦难的独特思考。

关键词:路遥; 苦难; 苦难意识


Abstract: Lu Yao is a common people writer.He has achieved a time literature altitude to the first floor working people’s earnest attention and to the misery poetic sentiment  description.Lu Yao is one the writer who has to the misery remembers with eternal gratitude the  experience.The misery took one energetic makings have covered Lu Yao the majority of works。Part three discusses the text from the novel Lu Yao suffering consciousness. The first part from poverty, hunger, trauma and other aspects of the text discusses the form of presentation of the suffering of the suffering of the value of pursuing the analysis and reveals the unique suffering of Lu Yao of China. The second part of generated awareness of the suffering, from the regional culture, personal life experiences influence and foreign writers edification Yao novel aspects of the generation of awareness of the suffering of origin. The third part, the value of suffering and the pursuit of the analysis reveals the unique suffering of Lu Yao of China.

Key words:Lu Yao; misery; the consciousness of misery

