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[关键词] 颂莲; 悲剧; 反抗; 妥协; 一夫多妻


[Abstract]  Wives and Concubines is a masterpiece Su Tong Writing Style change, novels focus shows the wives who can not escape the tragic fate of “polygamy” the system of customary marriage can be called the perspective of the fate of Chinese womenmirror. By Chen  cultural pressure to resist the Qing dynasty,according to climate policy and the impact on literature,poetry,plain initiated and promoted the popularity of Qing poetry.YuanMei“XingLing theory”highlight the theme of the individuality,to revive and carry forward the progress of the late Ming thought,reflecting the liberation of a requirement free of traditional constraints and the tendency of literature in the past and the history of the Qing dynasty poetry,reversing the significance of poetry,but also modern progressive literature the bud. 

[Key words]  Songlian; tragedy; resist; compromise; polygamy

