[摘要] 居伊·德·莫泊桑是19世纪后半期法国著名的短篇小说巨匠,他的作品不同程度地讽刺和揭露了上层统治者及其制度化下的社会风气。本文意在通过具体作品写莫泊桑短篇小说中的审丑模式:一、《羊脂球》中对“上流人”的自私虚伪的审丑;二、《珠宝》中对贪婪的金钱关系的审丑;三、《我的叔叔于勒》中对冷漠的亲情关系的审丑。本文就以上三个方面在下面进行简单的阐述。
[关键字] 审丑模式;批判;自私虚伪;金钱关系
[Abstract]Guy de Maupassant is a famous 19-century French modern short story master. To varying degrees, his works satirize and expose the institutionalized general mood of society including the upper rulers. This article intends to show the ugly mode through his specific short stories. The first is the ugliness of selfish and hypocritical upper class in Boule de Suif . The second is the ugliness of greedy money relations in The Jewellery. The third is the ugliness of pococurante family relationship in My uncle Jules . This article will elaborate these three aspects in the following.
[Keywords] Aesthetic mode; criticism; selfish hypocrisy; money relationship