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[摘要] 简爱是19世纪英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特在同名小说中塑造的一个独立自主、敢于争取自由平等的女性形象。海藻是华裔女作家六六在小说《蜗居》里塑造的一个为了物欲享受沦为男性外室的现代中国都市中的女性形象。简爱出身微贱,人生道路坎坷,但仅凭内心的坚强和人格的力量为自己赢得了爱情,赢得了幸福。海藻出身在知识分子家庭,从小受到庇护,一路顺风顺水,却因贪图物质享受而最终变成时下最为流行、也最为人看不起的“小三”。对二人的人生选择进行细致分析比较,将给当代女性带来有益的启示。

[关键词] 简爱,海藻,自尊,自爱,独立,当代中国女性


[Abstract ] Jane is a nineteenth Century British woman writer Charlotte Bront in the novel of the same name in the shape of a stand on one's own, dare to fight for freedom and equality of the female image. Haizao is a woman writer in the novel" liuliu" dwelling in the shape of a for material enjoyment into male external chamber of the female image in modern Chinese city. Jane loves lowborn, the life road is bumpy, but only by the inner strength and strength of character to win love, won the happiness.Haizao was born in a family of intellectuals, who sheltered, I wish you a happy voyage. Downstream, but because of covet material enjoyment and eventually become the most popular nowadays, but also the most despised" mistress". On two human life choice for detailed analysis is compared, will bring beneficial enlightenment to the contemporary female.

[Key words ]  Jane ,Haizao, self-esteem, self-respect, independence, contemporary Chinese women