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[摘要] 南宋伟大的豪放派词人辛弃疾娴于韬略,在宋朝大敌当前的关键时候,他坚持抗金。在斗争中撰写了许多文情并茂、气壮山河的作品,尤其词更是超凡出众,表现了作者忧国忧民的爱国主义思想。对后人有着较为深远的影响。他的出现,标志着南宋爱国主义的主流在诗词创作方面达到了新的高度,也标志我国词进入了顶峰时期。本文主要从词人爱国情怀的形成原因、具体爱国诗歌分析、历史评价等方面论述了辛弃疾对国家和民族命运的担忧,为国家前途着想的爱国主义思想情怀。

[关键词]  辛弃疾,词作,爱国情怀


[Abstract]The reality of the great poet of the xian desiring to, in the song dynasty when the enemy at the key, he insisted on resistance to gold. In the struggle to write the many WenQing promissory note, with the works, especially the word is extraordinary outstanding, the author YouGuoYouMin performance of patriotism. Posterity has more to profound influence. His appearance, marks the patriotism of the mainstream in poetry creation aspects taken to a new level, and sign into the peak in words. This article mainly from the patriotic poet of the reasons for the formation of patriotism, the concrete expression, history and so on, the paper expounds the evaluation to the state and national destiny xin qiji of concern, for the country's future of patriotism feelings.

[Key words]   XinQiji  Poem  Patriotic Feeling

