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[摘要] 进入新世纪,随着社会经济文化的发展,在一大批关注农村和农民现实状况的作家的影响下,新世纪乡土小说在内容上达到了前所未有的发展。以贾平凹、阎连科、莫言、刘恒等人为代表的新一代乡土小说家,他们在作品中以平视视角关注农村现实生活,赋予乡土小说以更为丰富的文化意蕴, 从而使这一时期的乡土小说体现出更加灿烂的文化景观。

  贾平凹的小说 《秦腔》 全面描述了社会转型背景下中国当代农村变化着的政治、 经济、文化现状,揭示了中国农村发展中的现实困境:新旧政权的交替出现的矛盾分化,市场、权利的复杂纠结,传统农耕文明的没落,乡村传统文化的无以为继等。真实再现了了乡土中国踉跄前行的实然状态,体现了作家的现实关怀和文化关怀。


[关键词]  贾平凹《秦腔》、新世纪乡土文学、乡土书写


[Abstract] In to the new century, along with the development of social economy and culture, a large number of attention in rural areas and peasants reality is under the influence of the writer, The new century country novels in the content are unprecedented development . Jia ping-wa, yanlianke, to LiuHeng and moyan, artificial representative of a new generation of local novelist into their work, to smooth inspect perspective in rural real life attention, gives local novels by more rich cultural connotation, and make it a period of native novel reflects more splendid cultural landscape. 

  Jia ping-wa's novel the tendencies of the fully describe the social transformation under the background of Chinese contemporary rural changing political, economic, cultural status, this paper reveals the practical difficulties in the development of rural China: the old regime alternating contradiction differentiation, market, right of complex entanglements, traditional farming civilization of decline, the country of the traditional culture of ruinous, etc. It truly represent rural China the natural state of blundered, reflect the reality of the writer concern and cultural concern. 

  In this paper the tendencies of the local jia ping-wa writing is discusses the object, Make to the new century regional literature research . 

[Key words]  Jia  ping-wa , "Qin Opera"、Local literature in the new century 、Local writing