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[摘要] 美国著名剧作家尤金·奥尼尔剧作《榆树下的欲望》是一出家庭悲剧。发生在这个家庭中的悲剧向人们揭示出,在金钱占统治地位的社会里,人的自然情感与本性是如何被压抑与扭曲的,对财产的欲望使父子、母子、夫妻与兄弟之间尔虞我诈,虎视眈眈,一个个贪婪、狡诈、邪恶、虚伪。但是,人性中也有美好的一面,当爱情的火花迸发而出,冲破对金钱的占有欲时,它们会变得真诚、善良,为了得到一份真情而奋不顾身地追求。但是这种追求所表现出的疯狂依然造成了毁灭,这正是悲剧性所在。通过对《榆树下的欲望》的家庭悲剧进行深入剖析,以揭示在各种欲望交织的现在的社会里,真挚的爱情也可以突破人们对欲望的疯狂追求。

[关键词] 尤金·奥尼尔;欲望;悲剧;弗洛伊德精神分析学;表现主义


[Abstract]  American playwright Eugene O'Neill's "Desire Under the Elms" is a family tragedy. This family tragedy revealed that, in the society of the rule of money, people's feelings and nature is suppressed and distorted. The desire of the property between father and son, mother and child, husband and wife and brother becomes greed and hypocrisy. While, when the spark of love bursts out, they will become honest and kind and strive for true love .While, this mad pursuit causes the destruction. This is the tragic. By analyzing the "Desire Under the Elms", we can reveal the true love is great.

[Key words]  Eugene O'Neill; Desire; Tragedy; Freud's Psychoanalysis; Expressionism