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  • 更新时间:2014-08-08
  • 论文字数:13174
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  • 课题来源:(xubanban)提供原创文章



关键词: 网络文学; 传统文学; 挑战  


[Abstract]:Network literature is appeared with the appearance of the Internet .As a rising literature, the network literature is more influential, for it has the essence of the China Civilization which is thousands years old, and the characteristic of our new era. So, with the foundation of my paper is the development and characteristic of the network literature, and the differences of the network literature and traditional literature ,in the area of forms、languages、contents and spread. We need to discuss that how did the network   literature break the trammel of traditional literature, and also changed traditional literature. Last but not least , we need to discuss that what should be done to make the mix of the two kinds of literature, that can promote the development of our literature.

[Keywords]:Network literature; Traditional literature; Challenge