Abstract:Nalan Xing De sets his unique style in the poetry world in Early Qing Dynasty with his plaintive and elegant words. Looking into his phrase, even those impassioned works are full of changing keynotes, characterized with a unique appreciation of sadness. This thesis aims to explain the connotations of these gloomy implications based on the image of the pharse and explore the causes of this phenomenon from aspects of Nalan Xing De’s life and thought.
Key words: Nalan Xing De; Phrase; Appreciation of sadness; Image
纳兰词纷纭悲情的意象世界, 是其内心情性的外化, 是他对生命的悲剧性之体认, 他将这种悲剧品格与悲剧意识,浸透于人生的悲欢中, 融入于凄美的意象中。在词的意象世界中, 他的内心情感得到了淋漓尽致的艺术呈现, 其主题似乎永远是悲观的, 充斥着人生的悲剧性, 在诸多意象中渗透着他个体生存的悲剧品格和悲剧意识, 同时也渗透着一种人生空幻的时代感伤与悲凉。
纳兰天生具有的诗性词心和自身的遭际、生活环境的压迫相作用,内因与外因相碰撞, 理想与现实相背离, 造就了纳兰性德那独有的纳兰式的生存状态和创作姿态。他的独特的深切体会与深沉的思考, 营造了他独特的审美观和创作方式, 形成了其词作中独特的审悲意蕴。水一样的纳兰, 水一样的纳兰词, 一个个悲情的意象在水一样的词中漂动, 荡漾出无限的真情, 无尽的凄婉, 流向内心深处, 回归精神的家园。