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摘要:“墙内开花墙外香”近年来成为第六代导演电影的形象代言,从某种意义上说这种方式确实让这批独立电影人在地下电影不被国家体制承认的时代,依靠着国际电影节上的辉煌赢得了自己生存的权利。但作为一个中国导演,这样走国外影展路线却不是他们的初衷, “电影应该是一种记忆的方式。”[虞晓毅著:《华语电影2006》,花城出版社 2007年版,第36页。]是记录中国人这个时代的方方面面。但在中国,一开始就以“视觉奇观”的噱头“娱乐”人的第七艺术、需要资金运转的电影产业,正如第五代导演从文艺向市场转化的终局下,这样一批一度不被体制承认的第六代能否保持艺术独立性而不向市场妥协,成为值得关注的焦点,让笔者对这批文艺电影的走向有所质疑与希望。

关键词:贾樟柯 电影 文艺 商业 走向


Abstract: "Outside the wall blossomming inside the wall sweet" in recent years become the image of the "sixth generation" directors movies themselves. In a sense this way really let this batch of independent filmmakers underground film will not be in the era of the state system admits, relying on the international film festival's brilliant won his rights to live. But as a Chinese director, so go abroad route is not their film the original intention, "the film should be a kind of memory way." This age is record all aspects of Chinese people. But in China, start with "visual spectacle" gimmick "entertainment" people of the seventh art, need capital operation of the film industry, as the fifth directors from the end of literary to market transformation, such a batch of once were not system admits the sixth generation of keeping the artistic independence and not to market compromise, become the focus of concern, let the author for this batch of literary film to somewhat questionable and hope.

Key Words: Director Jia Zhang Ke; Films; Literature and Art; Commerce; Trend