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  • 更新时间:2014-09-02
  • 论文字数:10167
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关键词:姜文  追忆  人性  人物塑造  叙事方式


Abstract: Jiang Wen is both an actor and a director during his filmmaker career. His films embrace unique cultural features and aesthetic characters. Based on In the Heat of the Sun (1994), Devils on the Doorstep (2000), The Sun Also Rises (2007), and Let The Buttlets Fly(2010),this paper illustrates from aspects of recollection of the special historical period, discussion on the theme of human nature, successful characterization, and allegoric narrative style to present the value and significance embodied in Jiang Wen’s works.

Key words: Jiang Wen; recollection; human nature; characterization; narrative style