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摘要:叙事伦理把“伦理”这个词的哲学意蕴给提升了,它最重要的是把叙事小说的主体在叙事立场,叙事原则,叙事策略等方面全体的伦理取向和价值判断概括了。这是强调小说艺术范畴的理论,是进行小说叙事学研究的一个相对较新的理论视角。在对王安忆《长恨歌》中王琦瑶这个主人公的叙事内容解读的过程中,可以发现纵观王琦瑶的一生发展轨迹:珍贵友情的逝去,接二连三的爱人的离去以及最后出嫁女儿的出国使王琦瑶在友情、爱情和亲情上长恨不已。 “友爱”叙事伦理的描写贯穿始终,“性爱”叙事伦理中空间的营造和“母爱”叙事伦理中手法的巧妙自然的应用可以看出王安忆写活了这个典型的上海女人!



Abstract:Narrative Ethics sublimate the philosophical meaning of “ethics”, which play a vital role in concluding all ethical orientation and values in aspect of narrative standpoint, narrative principles and narrative strategy outlines. It is a theory that emphasize art category of novel. It also is a relatively new theoretical perspective helping to proceed to novel narrative research. We can find all life of the hero--Wang Qiyao during the process of analysis which made by Wang Anyi in "Everlasting Regret". Wang Qiyao encountered hard times in friendship, love and even kinship. She lost precious friends, her lovers and even her daughter, who leave her for abroad after married. By describing fraternity throughout the whole novel, constructing narrative space of “sex” and implicating skill of narrating maternal love, Wang Anyi has vitalized the typical shanghai woman-- Wang Qiyao.

Key words:Wang Qiyao; fraternity; Sex; maternal love; Narrative Ethics