摘要 本文拟从明晰“见危不救”的概念入手,从“见危不救”所具有的严重社会危害性、社会的现实需求以及道德规范的无能为力三个方面论述其入罪的必要性,进而分析将“见危不救”入罪的可行性,借鉴古今中外的立法经验、进行立法设想以及探讨入罪后可能的存在问题等等,以引起整个社会对这一问题的重视。
关键字:见危不救; 入罪可行性; 无特定义务
Abstract:This paper, starting with a clear analysis of the definition of “Intentionally not rescue people in danger”, discusses the necessity of taking it as criminal in terms of its serious social hazardous nature, the actual demands from the society and the powerlessness of ethics, and then analyzes the possibility of incrimination of “Intentionally not rescue people in danger”. It uses lawmaking experience from all times for reference, puts forward some legal suggestions and discusses the possible problems after the incrimination. The purpose of the paper is to lead the whole society to pay attention to this problem.
Key words:Intentionally not rescue people in danger;Feasibility of criminalization; no specific obligations