摘要:手风琴属于活簧类乐器。它是借鉴中国笙簧发音原理而形成的。手风琴是奥地利人西里勒斯· 德米安(cyrillus Demian 1772—1847)成功地改良创制的。手风琴是一种既能够独奏又能伴奏的簧片乐器,不仅能够演奏单声部的优美旋律,还可以演奏多声部的乐曲,更可以如钢琴一样双手演奏丰富的和声。手风琴声音宏大,音色变化丰富,手指与风箱的巧妙结合,能够演奏出多种不同风格的乐曲,手风琴的音乐表现形式多样,其中风箱的运用是手风琴演奏的灵魂。风箱的运用有抖风箱、揉风箱、风箱余音、风箱保持音、强收和弱收风箱等等。抖风箱是风箱技巧演奏中的重要部分。抖风箱技巧分为“单抖风箱”,“二抖风箱”,“三抖风箱”,“四抖风箱”,“五抖风箱”等。抖风箱技巧,是手风琴演奏的基石。
关键词: 手风琴 抖风箱技术
Abstract:Accordion reed type musical instruments are live. It is the principle of drawing the Chinese pronunciation of the formation of outstanding sheng. Austrian accordion is the West Terrace • Demian (cyrillus Demian 1772-1847) created the successful improvement. Both to solo accordion is a reed instrument accompaniment can not only be able to play monophonic melody, you can also play polyphonic music, but also as playing the piano with both hands, like the rich harmonies. Accordion sounds ambitious, varied sound, the fingers and the ingenious combination of bellows, can play a variety of different styles of music, accordion, various forms of musical expression, including the use of bellows is the soul of accordion playing. The use of bellows bellows are shaking, rubbing bellows, bellows reverberation, bellows remain sound, strong and weak revenue collection bellows and so on. Bellows bellows shaking technique is playing an important part. Bellows shaking skills into "flick bellows", the"bellows shake"," Three bellows shake", "four bellows shaking"and" five bellows shake" and so on. Bellows of shaking technique is the cornerstone of accordion playing.
Key Words: Accordion , Bellows shake technology