摘要:电视剧《西游记》主题曲 《敢问路在何方》是一首家喻户晓、脍炙人口的影视金曲,1998年获得法国“首届华人影视歌曲”雄狮奖。本文简单对歌曲做了音乐分析,着重分析歌曲对影片作用。
关键词:电视剧主题曲; 《敢问路在何方》; 音乐分析; 音乐对影片的作用
Abstract:Teleplay "journey to the west" theme song "dare to ask where the" is a known, thrilling film golden melody, 1998 also received France "1st Chinese film songs" lion prize. This article simply for songs made music analysis, focusing on the analysis of film role.
Keywords: Drama theme ; "Dare to ask where the" ; Music analysis ; The role of music for films