摘要:音乐治疗学是近些年来刚兴起的一门学科,很多人对于这门学科只有表面的了解而没有很深入的理解。音乐治疗是一门很值得研究的学科,它与人类的情感有着密切的关系,因而对患者有着一定的影响与作用。而我所写的这篇文章研究的就是音乐治疗的作用与人类情感的关系,借助音乐对多动症儿童患者行为的影响,从而具体分析音乐治疗的作用。从这些研究中,我们可以认知到它在我们生活中的重要性;而且还可以使读者进一步的提高音乐素养、开阔眼界 。
关键词:音乐治疗学; 人类的情感; 多动症儿童患者;
Abstract: music therapy is learning in recent years just rise of a subject, a lot of people for the subject of surface and not only understand very thorough understanding. Music therapy is an important to study the discipline, it and human emotions has the close relation, thus to patients to have the certain influence and function. And I wrote this article is the study of the music treatment role and the relationship between the human emotion, with the aid of the music on the influence of the children with A.D.H.D. behavior, and the role of the concrete analysis music therapy. From these studies, we can recognize the importance of it in our life; And still can make the reader further improve music literacy, to widen your horizon.
Keywords: music therapeutic; The human emotions; Children with attention deficit disorder;