摘要: 藏族舞蹈一直是内容丰富的多种类型并且它有着悠久的历史。藏族人民以自有的方式及风格,通过不同类型的舞蹈动作,展现了其特有的丰富内容及特点,并在舞蹈过程中尽情抒发自身情感,同时通过特殊的动作祈祷能与神灵相沟通以求美好的庇佑。可是,在当代的生活当中,仍有很多人觉得藏族民间舞过于陈旧,一直都是沿袭历史传承的内容,没有创新,因次,怎样才可以在保留原来生态的基础上有所创新,保持藏族民间舞传统的同时增加一些时代的感觉是我们所要研究的问题。
关键词 藏族,民间舞蹈,风格特点,动态特征
ABSTRACT:The historic Tibetan dance, variety, rich in content, there were all kinds of dance forms with different content, features and style. It enables people to express their emotions in the joy of dancing and singing, and get through it and protect the gods seek to communicate with the gods. But there are a lot of people think the current prefect of the old Tibetan folk dance, did not break the old patterns, so how to retain a breakthrough on the basis of the original ecosystem, increase their sense of the times, to maintain its fresh vitality, we have to study.
Key Words: Tibetanfolkdance,Stylecharacterizedby,Dynamicfeature