摘要: 本论文主要来阐述现代舞训练对提升舞蹈表演能力的帮助,通过了解现代舞训练是在何背景下产生的、现代舞的历史发展、训练方法。从而可以更加清楚的了解到现代舞训练对舞蹈表演能力的帮助,体会到现代舞训练的价值所在。同时也能认识到现代舞训练独有的舞蹈风格特征,以及独特的表演形式和深邃的舞蹈内涵,从情感中挖掘动作再到纯动作的实践,是从内心有感而发的阿舞蹈表演形式,具有很强的感染力,对舞蹈表现力有着很大程度的影响。无论是从书籍、视频、网络查阅资料都足以证明现代舞训练的众多好处,对舞蹈表演能力的提升有着莫大的帮助。
关键词 现代舞训练,表演风格,舞蹈感觉
ABSTRACT:This paper mainly elaborates the modern dance training to help the dance performance, through the understanding of modern dance training is the background, history of modern dance development, training method. It can be more clear understanding to help modern dance training to the dance performance, realize the value of modern dance training. At the same time, also can recognize the characteristics of modern dance training, dance style unique, as well as the unique performance form and profound connotation of dance, from emotion mining action to the practice of pure action, is from the heart feel of the dance form, has very strong infectivity, has a great impact on the expressive dance. Both data access from books, video, network is sufficient to prove the many benefits of modern dance training, the dance performance capability has a great help.
Key Words: Modern dance training Performance style Dance feeling