摘要: 藏族在中华民族中是个能歌善舞的民族,其历史文化悠久、分布地区漫延宽广、舞蹈种类各式各样及风格突出鲜明特色。在众多的藏族民间舞蹈中弦子舞蹈以它独特的风格,美妙的舞姿得到人们的深深的喜爱与参与。而且弦子舞蹈在藏族人民生活中有着非常重要的地位,不管是节日、婚庆、迁徙以及生活中处处都是不能离开弦子舞蹈的,以跳弦子舞来体现他们内心的快乐与向往。作为一名舞蹈学习者,我们如果想要将弦子舞蹈完整的保存并且更好的发展下去,就务必应当探索其原有的本质风格特征、生活习性、文化背景等。通过这些条件再结合现代审美理想,才可以使弦子舞蹈保留其本质并展露新的样貌,并且在藏族民间舞蹈文化中源远流长。
关键词 藏族舞蹈,弦子歌舞,舞蹈审美特征
Abstract:Tibetan culture has a long history,it has wide distribution,besides,all types of dance full of the whole culture with all distinctive styles.The xianzi got a great attention by it’s unique style.morever,Xianzi plays an important role the life of the Tibetan people,regardless of the holiday,wedding,migration and so on.As a dance learners,in order to complete the culture of xianzi,and keep on going in people’s life,we have to explore the nature of the style characteristics,and combine with modern aesthetics to make xianzi keep exciting in Tibetan dance culture.
Key words:Tibetan dance,Xianzi dance,Dance aesthetic features