摘要: 《长相知》是石夫先生根据汉乐府诗词《上邪》为题材改编的一首具有代表性的中国近现代艺术歌曲,歌曲中巧妙的把昆曲唱腔与现代作曲手法揉合在一起,将歌曲所表达的情感、唱腔诠释出来。它是古典文学与艺术的结合,是情感与音乐的完美结合。歌曲音乐特点鲜明具有很浓郁的中国古典韵味,曲调古朴、典雅又添加了戏曲的韵味,该歌曲现在已经被列为中国专业民族声乐教学的曲目之一。《长相知》虽歌词简短,却具有很强的意境美;这篇文章将从汉乐府诗歌《上邪》、作曲家、我自己的演唱感触等方面着手来分析其音乐特点及情感处理。
关键词 音乐特点,演唱技巧,情感,依字行腔
Abstract:Long bosom friend is Mr Shi Fu according to yuefu poetry "the evil" as the theme of the adaptation of a representative of modern Chinese art song, song skillfully combined kunqu opera singing and modern composing technique close together, the song expressed emotion, singing out.It is the combination of classical literature and art, it is the perfect combination of emotion and music. Song music has the very strong character of the Chinese classic lasting appeal, the tune of primitive simplicity, elegance and added drama lasting appeal, the song has now been listed as one of professional Chinese national vocal music teaching repertoire."The long bosom friend" is short lyrics, but it has a strong artistic conception beauty; This article will from yuefu poem "the evil", the composer, and singing my own feelings aspects to analyze the characteristics of music and emotional processing.
Keywords :Characteristics of music,Singing skills,emotional,According to the word cavity while curing