关键词:解构主义 商业空间 空间设计 解构与重构
ABSTRACT:Deconstruction, as a kind of design style, is not an accidental phenomenon, it is the inevitable result of urban renewal, the inevitable outcome of the social and environmental change, lead to this phenomenon is the interaction between architecture and city environment. No matter how, it will be as a tool or technique is used by people. In the commercial space design in this paper, the deconstruction and reconstruction of the space using the research are discussed in this paper.Commercial space design is developing from the traditional concept to ambiguity and pays more attention to the "Generality Creation" ,such as the Protection of Large-size compound commercial space design ,apply of natural material and high-tech. With the development of the city construction ,perfect material matter is no longer the only aim ,in-stead ,city culture environment attracts more attention. Thus ,commercial space construction is becoming one of the decisive factors in city construction.
Keywords:deconstruction;commercial space design;space design;deconstruction and reconstruction