自古有茶就有茶包装, 包装的作用不仅是对茶本身进行保护,在人类社会发展越来越昌盛的今天,它更能对人们的精神审美观产生影响。介于茶对中国人的特殊情感,它的包装元素更多的是运用中国传统文化。在现如今经济的不断进步,茶叶的包装方向随着国际化发展。本文运用传统的茶文化使包装设计附有中华民族的精神文化。研究茶叶外包装的现状与存在的问题,分析茶叶外包装需要考虑的文化、信息传达等因素,了解外包装的美化在销售过程中所起到的重要作业。通过对图形、色彩、文字在包装中的运用分析,选择适当的元素符号进行装潢设计,达到茶叶外包装实用与美感的双重功能。
关键词:茶叶外包装 形式 包装要求 元素
ABSTRACT:As China's national drink tea, have been circulating in the Chinese nation for thousands of years, in the hearts of people not just one kind of tea drinks, it is more to convey the Chinese traditional culture. China's tea culture represents a culture, ancient Chinese tea from today and enjoy tea, smell tea, tea, tea, tea culture to understand the essence of rich connotation, also spread in different geographical development of a colorful tea habits and customs.
Since ancient times, there have tea tea packaging, packaging is not only a role to protect the tea itself, growing prosperity in the development of human society today, it is more on people's spiritual aesthetic impact. Between tea special feelings of the Chinese people, it is the use of more packaging elements of traditional Chinese culture. And in today's economy continues to progress, tea packaging direction as international development. In this paper, the traditional tea culture to make the packaging design with the spirit of the Chinese culture. Research Status and tea packaging problems of analysis needs to consider the packaging of tea culture, information transmission and other factors, to understand the beautification of the packaging in the sales process played an important job. Through graphics, color, text in packaging of analytical, select the appropriate element symbol for interior design, functional and aesthetic packaging tea achieve the dual function.Alpha
Keywords:packaging of te;modus;packaging requirements;element