Abstract:The kitchen took in the modern house an essential spatial unceasing experience change, from has been cooking food the place which prepares food to evolve into the people purely to alleviate the pressure, the relaxation mood, the relaxation gradually enjoys, the exchange emotion, the promotion family fusion occupies importantly.The kitchen utensil is in the modern society life relates one of closest tools.After the long-time evolution development, its traditional pattern has been subverted, integrates the brand-new design concept, the trend of development has more and more tended to the user friendly.This article through to the user friendly design research analysis, proposed “humanist” the design idea, elaborated the user friendly design in the kitchen utensil design concrete application, and emphasized the user friendly design in the kitchen utensil product design importance
Key Words:Kitchen utensil, User friendly design, Application.
由于目前生活方式的改变和家庭结构的变化,大部分人需花费时间在厨房工作,但由于厨房的沉闷气氛、繁琐的工作使得许多人对此产生厌恶、反感。为了唤起人们对厨房工作的兴趣,更多的家庭成员积极参与到劳动中来,厨房用具应该设计成为使用者使用起来方便的产品,帮助人们减轻工作压力与烦恼,让人们对产品产生信赖感与亲近感,从工作中获得快乐。在人机工程上的注重,安全方面、环境的协调因素是优先考虑的重点,并从人的生理、心理需求进行分析研究,最终提出设计理论,将“人性化”精神理念应用到产品的设计中去,使人在使用产品时能更加的方便、舒适、放心 。