摘要:本设计课题研究内容为时钟的趣味性设计与研究,内容涉及时钟的特点、 时钟产品的开发调研、 现有产品分析 、影响消费者购买的元素 、产品的发展趋势等。 随着现代社会的发展,现有时钟不单只是人们查看时间的一种工具,同时也在环境装饰中起了很大的作用,各种设计元素的融入,使人们顿时对时间流逝的发起深思。在当代,随着经济迅速的发展,人们对生活品质要求的逐渐提高,在外观上的新颖与趣味性也将成为人们选购时钟的一大因素。
关键词: 时钟设计,创意,趣味,装饰性,外观造型
Abstract:This paper is concern with the design and research of time clock, covering the origin of clock, products development research, analysis of existing products, elements that influence consumers purchasing and products development trends.
With the development of modern society, the clock is not only a tool for checking the time, but also plays a large role in decorating our interior environment. The immersion of many different kinds of design elements has made people ponder deeply over time elapsing. In modern society, along with the rapid development of our economy and improvement that living quality require, the novel style and good interest in appearance will be a vital element when people select and purchase time clock.
In many modern clock design, the appearance and shape of time clock have integrated great innovation. With the improvement of material life, the clock with onefunction to check time no longer meet our demand. Therefore,With the growing understanding of people demand , status quo, market background and development prospect, we make analysis on the products function, uses and application condition. The design of the clock products are becoming more and more humanism and interesting.
This paper focuses on the design interests of time clock and the methods to better meet people needs.
Keywords: clock design, creativity, interest, decoration, appearance
本课题探究时钟的趣味性设计, 通过对趣味性设计的了解和进一步的分析,结合当前时钟的发展现状与现有产品的分析,和现在市场上影响消费者选购时钟的重要因素进行解析设计,寻求更好的设计方案。