摘 要:中式乡土田园和自然风格重要变现为尊重自然生活风格、保持田园特有的情调。装修中主要运用大量的自然元素作为主调。不仅可以感受到不一样的空间环境,也有一个内外的层次的呼应,妙趣横生。自然界的元素有:水流,空气,光线,植物,廊架,观赏动物等,带给人一种陶冶身心的境界。均衡,端正稳重和对称是中国传统室内装饰的特点。在空间陈设的细节方面也注重自然元素的添加花鸟、鱼虫等、充分表现出中国传统美学精神。绿化的环境和应用的好坏是吸引顾客的重要条件,绿化的种类繁多复杂,在设计中要形成一个主次的绿化环境关系网,以主要的主题来吸引客人,比如高雅、纯洁、虚心、有节的象征竹子。竹子代表重节、重信。“不可一日无此君”已成了众多文人雅士的偏好。这些元素都不仅能很好的对空间进行装饰,让人感觉仿佛置身其中,几杯清茶,围绕在竹菊中,使都市里的人们能享受更多的鸟语花香,阳光。这就是中式田园主要展现的自然的布置。
ABSTRACT:Chinese rural pastoral important cash to respect the natural life style and natural style, keep rural emotional appeal. In decorating, main use plenty of natural elements as advocate tone. Can not only feel different space environment, there is also a level of echo, both inside and outside fun. Natural elements roughly: water, air, light, plants, corridor, ornamental animal, etc., give a person a kind of cultivate body and mind. Stable equilibrium, correct and symmetry is the characteristic of Chinese traditional interior decoration. Also pay attention to in space to display the details of natural elements to add flowers and birds, and worms, etc., fully show the Chinese traditional aesthetic spirit. Greening of the environment and application quality is vital to attract customers, there are many types of green complex, in the design to form a green network environment, primary and secondary to the main theme to attract the guests, such as the symbol of elegance, purity, modesty, a nodal bamboo. Bamboo on behalf of heavy section, heavy letter. "Not a day without this person" has become many scholars preferences. These elements are not only can be a very good space for decoration, feeling letting a person as if place oneself among them, several cups of green tea, around in bamboo chrysanthemum, make the city people can enjoy more of the flowers, the sun. This is Chinese style garden mainly show the arrangement of natural.
Key words: The nature,Local conditions and customs,The artistic conception,green