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摘  要:别墅空间展示与陈设设计,是现代城市发展的重要经济活动之一。别墅现在从装修市场来说分为3大类型1.紧凑型 200-300m2 这类型别墅装修一般只需要满足基本生活需求,然后又一定的风格存在。2.享受型 300-800m2 这类型别墅一般为较成功人士居多,除了满足一般的家庭功能外还具有一定的延展性的存在。3 奢华型 1500m2及以上 这类型多为私人定制会所居多,在市场上客户群较少。现在重庆市场上的别墅多数都为紧凑型,这类型别墅又分为联排别墅、双拼别墅、独栋别墅。现代别墅设计需要满足人们的心理、生理等要求,需要综合地处理人际交往、环境与人等多项关系,需要在为人服务的前提下,综合解决经济效益、使用功能、舒适美观、环境氛围等种种要求。设计及实施的过程中还会涉及设备、材料、定额法规以及与施工管理的协调等诸多问题。


关键词:别墅设计 室内空间 设计风格 软装饰 


ABSTRACT:Villa display space and furnishings design is an important economic activity of modern urban development. Villa from the renovation market is now divided into three types. Compact 200-300m2 this type villa decoration generally only need to meet the basic needs of life, then a certain style exists. Enjoy this type villa type 300-800m2 generally the majority of the more successful people, also has the presence of certain ductility In addition to meeting the general family functioning. The 3 luxury 1500m2 this type private custom clubs are mostly small customer base in the market. Chongqing market villa majority are compact, this type of villa is divided into townhouses, semi-detached house, detached villas. Modern villa design need to meet people's physical and psychological requirements, the need for a comprehensive deal with people and the environment, interpersonal communication and many other, under the premise of human services, integrated solutions using the function, economic benefits, comfortable and beautiful ambience various demands. Materials, equipment, fixed regulations as well as coordination with construction management and many other issues will also be involved in the design and implementation process.

Villa with ordinary residential, should pay attention to the design and configuration of features in addition to meet the ecological requirements of the convenience and comfort of daily living and bedroom. Enhance bedroom secrets at the same time, more attention should be paid indoors, the transition of the outdoor space and a private garden, a blend of the natural environment, and improve home comfort, convenience and spatial patterns of economic and reasonable terms to be innovative . Strict sense of the villa, the contents of the building should be with the customer's occupation, hobbies, different geographical environment and colorful, colorful forms.

Keywords:Villa design  Indoor space  style soft   decorative design