摘 要:没有传统古典欧式风格的气势恢宏,没有令人眼花缭乱的现代风格,有的仅仅只是一种质朴的生活。地中海风格,它的美包括大海与天空所呈现出的明亮的色彩、蓝色的海洋、仿佛被海水洗涤后的白色的墙、路旁整片整片的花田、历史十分悠久的老建筑以及红褐色与卡其色交织而形成的具有强烈名族性代表的色彩。地中海风格的精妙之笔,在这个意义上,它是代表了全方位的生活之美,它将地中海的品味延伸到,每一个角落。对于生活在都市、早已习惯城市喧嚣的,现代都市人来说,地中海风格似乎能让身体和心灵回到自然区域、让人们可以完全放松身心,净化心灵、舒缓整天紧绷的疲劳状态。更加感受到宾至如归的感觉。地中海风格打造的就是一种,闲散的生活节奏,带着阳光明媚的心情,享受生活的主旋律。近几年来,浪漫和富有想象力的地中海风格装饰行业、逐渐占据了主流地位。石灰墙,连续的拱门和拱廊,陶瓷砖,海蓝色的屋瓦,窗和们,看似简单的休闲却错落有致,寥寥几笔的描绘,营造出地中海风格的灵魂。
关键词:地中海 质朴 主流 设计
ABSTRACT:Does not have a traditional Mediterranean style of classic Europe type is spectacular, no dazzling modern style, or just a plain life . Mediterranean style , it including the beauty of the sea and the sky presents a bright color, blue sea , as if by seawater after wash , white wall, the road the whole flower fields , has a long history of old buildings and reddish brown and khaki and formed a strong ethnic representatives of color . Mediterranean style elegant pen , in this sense , it is represents the full the beauty of life , it will taste Mediterranean , extends to every corner, For living in the city, has long been used to the hustle and bustle of city , modern urbanite, Mediterranean style seems to body used to the hustle of city , modern urbanite , Mediterranean style building is a kind of leisure life rhythm , with sunny mood , enjoy the melody of life . In recent years, romantic and imaginative Mediterranean style decoration industry, and gradually occupied the mainstream position. Lime wall、 continuous arches and arcades 、ceramic tile、roofing tile of navy、the window and seemingly simple leisure is strewn at random have send、a few pens ,build the soul of Mediterranean style.
Keywords:The Mediterranean sea Plain The mainstream The design