摘 要:大众文化在时代的推动下审美产生了裂变,高雅艺术与我们渐行将远.艺术进入了一个全新的泛化时代。而插画艺术作为生活中的艺术现象,以一个平民化的姿态出现在大众的眼光中,以它独特的视觉冲击力吸引着大众的眼光。
现在插画已经成为大众生活中不可或缺的产物,然而在数字化科技发展的今天,科技工具已经取代了传统的手绘方式,在这个泛审美时代面对这样的冲击, 插画的创新和拓展值得我们去探讨和研究。
关键词:泛审美 插画 发展 创新
ABSTRACT:In the age of mass culture, driven by aesthetic also produced fission, elegant art is about getting away with us. Artistic generalization entered a new era. The illustration art as artistic phenomenon of life to a civilian-oriented attitude in the eyes of the public, with its distinctive visual impact to attract the public eye.
In what is called "Reading Pictures" today, the era of illustration art build a broader stage, the visual image has changed the traditional text-oriented model, people like to use images to convey their ideas, like to use images to experience life . In the illustration art multi-directional development today I, in order to meet people's aesthetic, the image also expanding, continuous innovation.
Different nationalities, different countries, they are not the same illustrator manifestations. As illustration style diverse and extensive illustrations popularity, it is difficult right now to do illustrations explain the content and style, so the illustrations showing the development of diversity.
Illustrator has now become an indispensable means of public life, but in today's digital technology development, technology tools have replaced the traditional hand methods, in this era of pan-aesthetic face of such shocks, illustration innovation and expansion deserve our discussion and study.
Keyword : Pan aesthetic;Illustration ;Developing ;Innovation