关键词 全面预算;战略目标;预算编制;预算执行;预算考核
Abstract:In the era of knowledge economy, the comprehensive budget management can help managers more effectively manage enterprises and maximize corporate strategic objectives. As a kind of means of resource-allocation and management mechanism, the management of comprehensive budget has become an indispensable part of business competition.
Learning from the comprehensive budget management theory, based on the knowledge economy, as a research object of Nantong Fujitsu Microelectronics Co., Ltd., synthetically employing of literature analysis, comparative analysis and case study method, the paper discloses the problems from the perspective of the content, preparation, execution, and organizational system about the comprehensive budget. Consequently, in accordance with the characteristics of the high-tech enterprises and the company's long-term strategy, a series of initiatives are proposed, such as to enrich the content of comprehensive budget, to integrate diverse methods of preparation in order to improve the quality of budget, to establish the organizational system of the management of comprehensive budget characterized as clear “responsibilities” and “rights” , to adjust the comprehensive budget according to the corporate strategic objectives in time, to develop a reasonable evaluation and incentive mechanism.
Keywords Comprehensive budget strategic objectives budget preparation budget execution budget assessment