Abstract:This paper discusses the problem of food industries lacking Corporate Social Responsibility. The reasones for this are the ways of information feedback blocking, the food industries lacking legal and moral sense, safety monitoring equipment falling behind, consumers lacking self protection awareness. This paper points out the dangers of these issues, that is, to have a negative impact on social life, industries being unsustainable development, safety needs of consumers being not content and food export trade having been affected. Thus, this paper presents a feedback mechanism to build food enterprises supervision, supervision of food companies from the source to fulfill corporate social responsibility. Food Enterprise Oversight Feedback Mechanism is a "four in one" framework formed by the food enterprises, consumers, food market and government. This mechanism safeguards food safety and production through the interaction between the four subjects. The mechanism promotes standardization of production through the intrinsic binding interactions among food enterprises, consumers, food market and government. In order to ensure FEOFM (Food Enterprise Oversight Feedback Mechanisms) operating effectively, we must strengthen food safety legislation, ethics and corporate social responsibility, monitoring systems and monitoring techniques and the awereness of consumers' self protection.
Keywords: Food safety; Corporate Social Responsibility; Supervision Feedback Mechanism