Abstract:Logistics is a searvice process that connects the taches such as production,exchange and consumption. It also provides professional logistics services,thus the modern logistics indusry is not only including the transportation,it also includes:agency,warehousing,distrbution processing,distrbution industry,logistics information,a total of six major forms.Aof the long with the development of technology about Internet ,keeping modern logistics industry healthy and sustainable has become a necessary ,however ,the basis for the development of the logistics industry is still a relatively weak as the current situation . The logistics so industry also bears heavy taxes . After all . this industry suffers home and aboard which takes it many economic growth problems .
This article begins research mainly from the part of taxes that logistics industry bears , it trys to find a way to help this industry extend development road politically . First of all , this article briefly describes logistics ,third-party logistics , logistics companies , logisitics industry and so on . The aim is to explain modern logistics from concept and set theoretical foundation for analysising logistics tax burden .Then , from problems the logistics companies face with such as business tax ,income tax , other related small tax and how to use shipping invoice . This article analysises taxes this industry burdened ,roundly . Lastly ,against tax problems ,this article put up some suggestions ,as follws : uniforming the tax rate , extending the scope of pilot enterprises that outsourcing the difference tax , making income tax adapt to tiny corporate tax rate , relaxing the requirements of uniforming the income tax’s final settlement ,issuing transportation invoice .Finally , summarize and outlook.
Keywords: Logistics industry; The tax burden; The policy orientation