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  • 更新时间:2013-09-08
  • 论文字数:12556
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Abstract:Since China's reform and opening up, private enterprises as an emerging economic force in the progressive development and to grow up, has become an important support for an important part of China's socialist market economy and economic and social development.

   Financial management environment is the survival of private enterprise financial management of soil and the Stage of the private enterprise to carry out financial activities. The effects of the financial management of the environment for private enterprise financial activities, one hand, the smooth development of facilities and opportunities to provide financial activities, on the other hand, performance on the financial activities of the constraints and challenges. Therefore, China's private enterprises are faced with how the financial management of the environment, how to create a good financial management environment for private enterprises, is worth careful consideration of the government and private entrepreneurs.

   This article will start from the financial management of the environment on the significance and impact of the role of the private enterprises, explore in the financial management of the environmental impact of, small and medium-sized private enterprises how to use and optimize financial management environment, and in order to promote the business better and faster development.

Key Words:Private enterprise; financial management environment; optimizing countermeasure

