关键词: 税收筹划;技术方法;案例分析
Abstract:Tax planning is, without breaking the law, a financial activity of reducing the tax burden by prior arrangement of operation and finance for an enterprise. With a mature and stable industry, it is common for the developed countries to conduct tax planning in advance of production,operation and finacial activities. However, in China it is still in the initial stage. People knew little about tax planning. Without in-depth understanding, they even confused it with tax fraud, tax avoidance or tax saving. Due to the ambiguity of the theory, numerous enterprise didn’t conduct tax planning in actual practice. In addition ,they struggle to relieve themselves of the heavy burden of ever-increasing taxation.
Based on the relevant literature review, the paper mainly discusses about the basic theory, techniques and aims of tax planning. Regarding Company A as a concrete case, by integrating comparative analysis and numeral analysis, the paper analyses the process of conducting tax planning for enterprise in actual practice.
Key words: Tax planning; Technique of tax planning; Case analysis