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  • 更新时间:2013-10-13
  • 论文字数:11935
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 论文范例 > 财务管理 >
  • 课题来源:(我的男朋友)提供原创文章







关键词: 财务风险;财务预警;完善;建立


Abstract:Financial risk throughout the whole financial activities of enterprise, was formed in enterprise production activities of the various stages: buy stage, production stage, sales stage and intermittent stage, is the product of capital flows. Market economy condition, enterprise management is facing a huge risk and uncertainty, financial risk everywhere. So the enterprises should stay alert, pay attention to risk identification, risk prevention, establish suitable for enterprise itself financial warning system. Through the quantitative and qualitative analysis, a crisis in advance warning, prompted operators to take effective measures, improve the management, in order to protect the interests of each related subject. Study the financial risk of the enterprise existence and take some measures to control and prevent has the very realistic significance.

   This paper carries on the analysis of the financial risks of enterprise measure, and puts forward to building a perfect financial risk prewarning system, thus effectively avoid financial risks. Realize the maximization of enterprise value.

Key Words:Financial risk;financial warning;perfect;establish


   在分析清楚财务风险后,就应立即制定相应的预防、转化措施,尽可能地减少风险损失。财务风险处理机制主要包括应急措施、补救方法和改进方案。其中应急措施主要是面对财务危机和财务风险而采用的规避风险的手段,它可以控制事态的进一步恶化;补救方法主要是采取有效措施,将损失控制在一定的范围内; 改进方案则是改进企业经营管理中的薄弱之处,杜绝和避免类似财务风险的再度发生。同时,还要建立一个长效责任管理机制,将企业可能发生财务危机的责任落实到具体的部门及个人,并实施合理的奖惩制度,提高每个部门及个人防范财务危机的积极性和主动性,为财务预警系统正常而有效地运转提供制度性保障。
