Abstract:Generation of labor enterprise is the dongguan model of economic development is an important part of, in dongguan local economic development plays an important role that more and more people's attention.However, since the 08 years, as the yuan appreciation, the rise in prices, the dongguan generation of labor enterprise by a shock. One effect of the development of the generation of labor enterprise one of the most important factor is the generation of labor enterprise funds.This paper generation of labor enterprise funds produce analysis of the causes, and puts forward the countermeasure, and the high efficiency of generation of labor enterprise development assistance.
Key words: Generation of labor;enterprise funds;countermeasures
东莞具有“世界工厂”之称, 东莞的产业形态主要是以代工企业为主力军的出口导向型,在我国这种外向型的经济模式也被称为“东莞模式”。东莞代工企业大多数是具有惊人创造力的中小企业,近年其代工企业,在化解就业压力、缩小城乡差距、增加居民收入、构建和谐社会等方面创造了辉煌的业绩,成为东莞经济发展的一大亮点,越来越受到人们的关注。