关键词: 房产税;改革;研究
Abstract:China's real estate tax is levied on housing, according to the tax residual value of housing or housing rental income, to a property tax levied on property owners. The current real estate tax can not meet the current social and economic development, increasingly obvious drawbacks, for further reform and improvement. Reform of property tax will help sum up experience and improve the property tax levy and sound management, clear property tax reform of the guiding principles and objectives, establishing the basic concept of tax reform, and improve the existing property tax system.
China's current property tax system of taxation mainly in urban and rural areas are different, the tax basis is not enough scientific and rational, both flat rate and other issues are lack of flexibility. And local governments in China can learn from the experience of foreign countries levy property taxes, property tax reform introduced a positive way. The property tax rate in the play the role of inhibition and also help the economic structure adjustment and intensive use of land conservation, and guide them in proper housing consumption, and promote the real estate industry healthy and orderly development.
Key Words:property tax;peform;research