关键词 筹资活动;筹资方式;税务筹划;风险控制
Abstract:Modern enterprise is an independent legal person,funds should be formed by raising. Financing is the first premise of enterprise production and business operation activities, financing activities is also an important content of financial management activities. The main object of financial management is the circulation and turnover of cash, and tax expenditure makes the cash outflow of enterprises, therefore, the tax factor is the enterprise financial decision-making must be one of the factors to consider.
Tax because of its unique nature of mandatory , free and fixed ,leaving taxpayers in a relatively weak position. Enterprise if want to get more tax revenue, it is necessary to carry out tax planning. However, enterprises in tax planning time must be it with tax evasion, tax avoidance, tax dodging, distinguish, otherwise will bring additional revenue losses to the enterprise.
In this paper, through the introduction of the effect of different financing methods on enterprise tax burden and tax planning practice, shows that tax is one of the important aspects must be considered when making financing decisions. Pointed out at the same time, do the tax planning risk control in advance,.So as to make enterprises in the complex market environment, reducing loss minimum and keeping the earnings.
Keywords Financing activities Financing Modes tax planning Risk control