关键词:存货跌价准备 资产减值 盈余管理 食品企业
Abstract: According to the new enterprise accounting standards, non-current assets are not allowed to be reversed after the impairment was recognized, while inventories are different from non-current assets, appropriated provision for inventory can be reversed according to the actual situation, so the new accounting principle of enterprises provides some earnings management for companies. On the basis of concepts of the food industry’s provision for inventory and earning management, the thesis is aimed at explain how the treatment of inventory influence Zhengzhou Sanquan Foods Co.,Ltd’s balance sheet, income statement and earning management. In addition, inventory impairment has became an important means of quoted company’s earnings management, so government and enterprises should take some measures to avoiding this phenomenon and finding the most reasonable accounting methods for the company.
Key words: Inventory revaluation reserve Earnings Management Assets impairment Food Industry