关键词: 市场主体 发展条件 发展能力
Abstract: Individual farmers in Jiangsu Province, the agricultural industry market players in a dominant position, and various other market players with the initial development. At present, modern agriculture market players in the market conditions are not ripe, the high degree of organization, technological backwardness, infrastructure needs to be improved, the lack of innovative capacity. Jiangsu Province, the development of modern agriculture industry market players cultivate strategic actual to nurture policy analysis, development of market players, according to the conditions of its development and the development of the ability to conduct research, market conditions for the development of modern agriculture, industrial development, organizational conditions, technical conditions infrastructure conditions, and its innovative ability to cultivate the market players of the modern agricultural industry.
Keywords: Main Market Players;Development Conditions;Development Ability
市场主体是指在市场上从事经济活动,享有权利和承担义务的个人和组织。具体来说,就是既有独立经济利益和资产,享有民事权利和承担民事责任的可从事市场交易活动的法人或自然人,任何市场主体参与经济活动都带有明确的目的,以在满足社会需要中追求自身利益最大化为目标。市场主体具有盈利性,这是其最本质最重要的特征。市场主体还具有独立性,主要表现为产权的独立和经营权的独立。灵活性,市场主体遵循市场规律对经营战略和策略进行调整,是其存在于市场的基本功能。此外,市场主体还具有相互间的关联性 、平等性 、合法性等特征。就江苏省来说,现阶段农业产业市场主体主要包括分散经营的个体农户、集体经济组织、农村合作组织、涉农企业、农村个体工商户。首先自实行家庭联产承包责任制以来个体农户一直以来是农村市场最基本的主体,其它农村市场主体都是在此基础上发展起来的;其次除个体农户外的其它农村市场主体都是以实现经营主体的规模化和组织化为目标发展起来的,各主体之间存在这多层次、多方位、立体式的关系。