关键词:欧盟农业政策; 影响; 提高竞争力
Abstract:The higher level of EU agricultural support policy have their agriculture protected and developed.The profit of agricultrual producers and comsumers have been protected. The inplement of the policy has promoted agriculture.Undoubtedly, EU agricultural policy has a significant iimpact on China agricultrual economy, since china became a member of WTO.There are slightly deficiency existing in the current situation of China agricultural policy and agricultural economy. Therefore, this paper mainly analyse the impact of China argricultural economy under EU agricultrual policy.To discuss the fact that how to adjust and improve our agricultual policy and how to deal with its effects on China. Thus, it could have the competitiveness of China agricultural products enhanced in internastional markets.Under this circumstance, farmers' income will be increased. It could also eensure the sustainable development of rural economy. Meanwhile it could have our argricultural economy developed rapidly, steadily and healthily.
Key words: EU agricultural policy; Effects; To improve competitiveness