关键词 后配额时代;纺织品服装;出口环境;贸易壁垒
Abstract:In the past 40 years,being a violation of free trade spirit and principle the global multilateral trade system advocates, the quota system have been implemented in world textile and garment trade.With abolishment of the textile quota in 2005, the international textile trade control sees its “Post-quota era”. As the biggest export country in textile trade, China still confronts the coexistence of opportunities and challenges. This essay makes an analysis on the possible protective measures and policies to be adopted against China’s textile exports by import countries such as specific safeguard mechanism, antidumpting, technical criteria, ecological criteria, social responsibilities, regional trade preferences treatment and etc, it concludes with some author's suggestions as countermeasures against the challenges.
Keywords Post-quota era; Textile and garment; Export environment; Trade barriers