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Abstract:With China’s further culture exchange with other countries, foreign movies especially English movies swarmed into China’s movie market, so translation work is believed to play an important role in the introduction of these movies, which has consequently given rise to the study of movie title translation. Nowadays movie title translation is in a state of disunity and even full of quantities of mistranslations, so it is high time to give due attention to this field. However, few monographs at home and abroad have discussed this topic. In the foreign language master journals published in the past decade, there is a relative scarcity of theoretical writing on movie title translation in particular. 

  According to Skopostheorie, translation strategies are determined by the purpose (Skopos) of the target texts. As an important breakthrough and complement to translation theory studies, Skopostheorie has given a new perspective to the study of the translation of movie titles. Proceeding from the features and functions of movie titles,this thesis analyzes the main translation methods and strategies applied in English movie title translation from the perspective of Skopostheorie by using comparative analysis combing with some case studies. Through the study, the author finds out that Skopostheorie not only has capability of providing reasonable explanations for some unique translation phenomena of English movie titles, but also can provide effective guidance for the translation strategies and methods of English movie titles. And English movie title translation should be under the basic principle of fulfilling the specific functions of the movie titles through adopting translation methods flexibly and properly.

KEY WORDS: English movie title translation, Skopostheorie, translation strategies, translation methods


摘要:随着各国文化的广泛交流,电影已经成为人们生活中不可缺少的组成部分,我国大规模地引进了诸多外文影片其中尤以英语影片居多,这无疑对英语影片及其片名的翻译工作提出了更高的要求。电影片名佳译能为影片锦上添花,且对新片的推介作用尤为重要。遗憾的是,很多英语影片片名翻译存在误译,译名不统一,“一名多译,良莠不齐” 等现状。然而,国内外相关的研究专著甚少,国内近十年的外语核心期刊中探讨有关影视翻译,尤其是片名翻译的文章也屈指可数。

