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Abstract:Vocabulary is the fundamental element of language, or rather, what language lives by. D.A. Wilkins (1972) once pointed out that “without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”. Therefore, English vocabulary teaching should be regarded as an important part of English language teaching, whereas, English language teaching has been carried out based around grammar, structure or function, with vocabulary teaching being an auxiliary part of it. Under such circumstances, students tend to learn vocabulary by rote, which leads to low efficiency of vocabulary acquisition. In order to change the situation, scholars both at home and abroad attempts to teach English vocabulary from a metaphorical point of view, arguing that most vocabulary can be acquired in a metaphorical way and that metaphor serves as a major approach to enrich and change the system of vocabulary.

  Traditionally, metaphor is considered as a linguistic phenomenon or a rhetorical device. Actually, metaphor is more of a matter of thought and action than of a matter of language. It is pervasive in our daily language. Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature (Lakoff &Johnson, 1980). Conceptual Metaphor Theory put forward by Lakoff and Johnson is a more systematic and advanced cognitive theory of metaphor. They hold that metaphor, in essence, is to understand and experience one thing in terms of another. Language is the product of human cognition and metaphor serves as a tool of cognition. So it is of great importance to study the role of metaphor, especially conceptual metaphor, in foreign language teaching and learning.

  The thesis, first of all, reviews the history and development of metaphor study, by introducing the comparison view, substitution view and cognitive view of metaphor. Subsequently, a detailed review of the current research, namely, conceptual metaphor and vocabulary teaching, is provided. Next, Conceptual Metaphor Theory regarding its definition, classification, working mechanism as well as its links to vocabulary teaching is discussed in detail. To check whether or not the application of Conceptual Metaphor Theory in vocational college English vocabulary teaching and learning can facilitate vocabulary learning, a relevant experiment is designed and carried out for 9 weeks in two classes from Henan Mechanical and Electrical Engineering College. The result shows that college English teaching combined with knowledge of conceptual metaphor can enhance the learners’ metaphorical competence and facilitate their vocabulary learning. In the conclusion part, the major findings and some implications are proposed for English vocabulary teaching and learning, along with some limitations of the present research. It proposes that adequate attention should be paid to applying conceptual metaphors in EFL vocabulary teaching and the cultivation of the students’ metaphorical competence and that students be encouraged to employ a metaphorical approach to English vocabulary learning.

KEY WORDS: metaphor, conceptual metaphor theory, metaphor awareness, metaphorical competence, English vocabulary teaching


摘要:词汇是构成语言的最基本要素,是语言系统赖以存在的支柱。英国著名语言学家D. A. Wilkins曾有过这样的论述:“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西”。因此,词汇教学应该被看作是整个英语教学系统中的一个重要组成部分。然而,英语教学长期以来都是以语法、结构或功能为纲来组织实施,英语词汇教学常常处于教学的附属地位。学生掌握词汇的主要方法是死记硬背,词汇记忆效率很难保证。为了改变这种现状,国内外不少学者尝试通过概念隐喻进行词汇教学,并且认为大部分词汇都可以通过隐喻的方式习得。


