ABSTRACT:Listed companies in China in the development of the national economy which plays a pivotal role in the healthy and orderly development of listed companies to become the focus of attention of the whole people, the Public Company Accounting information disclosure and all the people are closely related, therefore the boss company's accounting information reliable authenticity of accounting information-user crucial. However, from the current situation in our country, the situation is not optimistic, accounting information distortion case frequently appears and its integrity regression imminent to solve the problem of information distortion of the listed companies, can not be ignored. Lead to the distortion of accounting information of listed companies for a lot of reasons, from the direction of a large, macro reason, there are legitimate reasons of illegal, subjective and objective reasons, small angle analysis, the Company's internal control system is not perfect reasons, the accountancy professional ethics reasons of low, driven by the interests of management of the Company whitewash financial statements of reasons, this article mainly analyze the distortion of accounting information from the perspective of the management of listed companies, as the core of management to explore the surrounding deep-seated causes listed company's accounting information distortion of the nature of the problem. After analysis concludes that the management of listed companies in China is behind the distortion of accounting information, only to solve the balance of the interests of the management of listed companies, in order to fundamentally put an end to the status of accounting information distortion. Accounting information distortion problem is resolved will make China's listed companies in good faith to a higher level, the premise and an important guarantee for the sustainable development of China's listed companies. Therefore, the right medicine is the key to solve the distortion of accounting information.
Keyword:Listed companies;Accounting Information;Distortion;Management
在我国,上市公司财务造假频频发生,难以杜绝,什么原因让这些公司如此大胆为所欲为,不顾法律的制裁和公众的谴责,任意的粉饰财务报告,从外部因数来说,由于审计不到位,制度控制存在缺陷,相关部门监督不到位所致,从内部因数来讲,由于公司管理层的职业道德沦丧,诚信缺失,利益驱动主观臆断出发点与落脚点偏离诚信轨道,管理层自律不足,易被眼前短期利益所诱惑,导致不理智的抉择,从而,走向了违法犯罪之路, 综上所述得出以下结论。
虽说本文已经从不同的方面分析管理层造假的事实,也提出合理措施,可随着时代的发展和进步,很多新兴的问题不断涌现,待需解决, 比如说,这是一个利益的时代,如何才能让公司高管真正的达到求知欲饱和状态,提供真实可靠的财务信息,这个动态坐标是今后进行相关专业研究必须探讨的。