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Abstract:As an important land transport, car came more than a century, has made remarkable development. Currently, there are hundreds of millions of vehicles worldwide in the travel, and an annual growth rate of several thousand units. Breakthrough in China's automobile production and sales in 2009 13 million more than the United States, this year for the Chinese auto industry is of epoch-making significance. Following last year's annual sales volume broke through 120 thousand, the Skoda brand this year, still maintained a steady and rapid market growth. Skoda brand first quarter sales were 42,707, up 122%, far more than the market 63% increase. Since the official launch of the brand since 2006, Shanghai Volkswagen Skoda brand new car three years, doubling sales year after year. Octavia, fabia and Superb three-Rui made the formation of market structure.

With the booming automobile market in recent years, Guangzhou's B-class car market is highly competitive. SurperB how to stand out in a number of competing products.therefore this thesis does some on the research of taking about Marketing Strategy.

Based on the Skoda store customer survey, combined with marketing theory, sales gap models, customer satisfaction gap, which made for SurperB sales strategy in the Guangzhou market. That is, maintain their high service quality, through the media, events and other means to continue to improve brand awareness and further elaborate the practical operation of the proposed strategy.

Realize this new marketing strategy for SurperB is not unilateral, but a systematic and comprehensive in all aspects of co-operation co-ordination to achieve the objective of win-win.

Keyword: car, Marketing Strategy, SurperB