摘 要:自1994年世界上第一种转基因食品西红柿投放到美国市场之后,转基因食品就引起了人们的关注。作为转基因技术应用的产物,转基因食品在给我们带来巨大喜悦和希望的同时,也给我们人类带来了恐慌和焦虑。人们对食用转基因食品后果的不确定性从来就有争议,有人认为转基因食品对人类没有伤害,有人认为它具有潜在的危害。如何消除对转基因食品不必要的恐慌,以便快速促进转基因食品的发展,是目前世界各国和各地区亟待解决的问题。本课题首先阐述了转基因食品的相关概念及特征、国内外对转基因食品的态度和现状分析、消费者对转基因食品的接受程度与恐惧分析、转基因食品其自身的优缺点,其次就前面的分析再结合我国转基因食品的相关研究与市场分析,通过这相关研究发现了我国对转基因技术存在的不足,并由此提出了相关的对策与建议,最后根据全文的分析对转基因食品在未来市场作一个预测,得出转基因食品的发展前景是越来越受到社会大众肯定的。
关键词: 转基因食品 市场分析 未来趋势
ABSTRACT:Since 1994 the world's first genetically modified food tomatoes put on the U.S. market, genetically modified food has aroused people's attention. As a product of the application of transgenic technology, genetically modified food has brought us great joy and hope, but also to our humanity brings panic and anxiety. People consequences of eating genetically modified foods has never disputed the uncertainty, some people think that genetically modified foods do not harm humans, some people think it has the potential hazards. How to eliminate unnecessary panic genetically modified foods in order to facilitate rapid development of genetically modified foods, is the world's countries and regions problems to be solved. This topic first describes genetically modified food related concepts and characteristics of domestic and genetically modified foods attitude and situation analysis, consumers of GM food acceptance and fear of, genetically modified foods its own advantages and disadvantages, and secondly on the preceding analysis re-combined with our genetically modified foods related research and market analysis, through these studies found that our GM technology deficiencies, and thus puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions, and finally under full analysis of genetically modified foods in the future market to make a prediction , come to the development prospects of genetically modified foods is gaining the public's welcome.
Key words: Genetically modified foods; market analysis; future trends