关键词:资产证券化 扩张效应 房地产价格泡沫
Abstract:Asset securitization as an innovative product was originally designed to increase the liquidity and manage the credit risk of financial institutions. However, in the view of the financial crisis caused by the outbreak of the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, asset securitization has system risk that can’t be underestimated. Through learning the reason of China’s real estate bubble ,drawing the history of the financial crisis and development of asset securitization of U.S. and Japan, resolving the expansion effects of asset securitization , I’m willing to permit the main effect of the asset securitization expansion to the real estate price bubble. At last, by drawing the history of the financial crisis and development of asset securitization of U.S. and Japan as basis, the development of China’s real estate securitization market situation and problems, I think it important to focus on risk management and risk control to provide good liquidity and safety management for the Chinese financial system mechanisms while vigorously developing asset securitization business.
Key words:asset securitization expansion effect real estate price bubble