摘要:利用计算机技术开展课件教学在教育领域已日趋广泛,现代教学中多媒体课件的运用,增强了课堂内容的直观性,拓宽了学生思维和想象的空间,提高了学生的学习兴趣,加大了课堂容量,起到了其他教学手段不可替代的作用。本课件是以FLASH CS4 软件为制作平台,结合人民教育出版社普通高中课程标准实验教科书物理选修1—1 教材而制作的。课件包含教材第一章“电场 电流”和第二章“磁场”两章共十一节的内容。每一节均包含“教学目标、教学重点、主要内容、课堂训练、小结部分”五部分的内容。
ABSTRACT:To carry out the courseware teaching in the field of education has become increasingly widespread use of computer technology, the use of multimedia courseware in modem teaching, and enhance the content of the classroom to broaden students “thinking and imagination of space, to improve the students’ interest, increase the capacity of the classroom, has played an irreplaceable role of other teaching methods. The courseware is based on Flash CS4 , software for the production platform, combined with the People’s Education Press high school curriculum standard textbook physics elective 1—1 teaching materials and production. The courseware includes textbooks first field current and magnetic field of two chapters eleven. Each section includes teaching objectives, teaching points, main content, classroom training, the summary part of the “five-part content.
Keywords: High school physics; Electromagnetism; Courseware production